
Enagage with LearnPad

Trusted Resources

LearnPad supports the digital resources you already know and trust, but delivers them in a new and exciting way. Students can use Flash web sites and content, such as the BBC Schools or Educationcity.com, videos from services like YouTube, and dedicated educational activites from leading publishers. You don't have to change your lesson plans overnight!

LearnPad also allows you to bring amazing new "apps" into your lessons, which in the right educational environment can be very effective learning tools. LearnPad's touch-screen experience lowers the barrier to young or differently-abled students, whilst also engaging those that are older or more gifted.

An Education Store

Finding good educational content from 'app' stores can be a difficult process. Most simply have an 'Education' category, but go no further to try and help narrow down the content by subject matter or age range. Also, they are limited to hosting platform specific content, such as 'apps'. The LearnPad resource store is different. It contains a huge range of curated, curriculum aligned educational resources from well known and respected publishers, all categorised by subject matter, age range and aligned to the teaching curriculum.

Curated Curriculum Content

All of the content in the Resource Store has been curated and aligned specifically to the teaching curriculum. Content is filtered by subject area and age range, then tagged with relevant 'topics'. So if you are searching for an application to help teach decimal fractions for 10 year olds, just use the content filtering menus to quickly search the store. Many applications have a trial version or can be viewed online, so you can quickly determine if that resource will fit your teaching needs. The content store contains eLearning resources in many formats, including applications, flash resources, documents, videos and audio resources.

Volume Licensing & Purchase

The LearnPad content store provides schools with the option of purchasing multiple licenses or even 'site' licenses for content. Volume discounts are available for multiple purchases and schools can take advantage of traditional purchasing methods, no credit cards, PayPal or pre-paid cards are necessary. Simply enter a Purchase Order number and receive a standard invoice. Your activities will be automatically deliverd to your LearnPad management portal, ready for deployment.