LearnPad Config
The LearnPad Config application is responsible for downloading lesson content from the LearnPad servers. It can be accessed from the Teacher menu and contains a number of settings and utilities described below.
The organisation this LearnPad is currently enrolled in.
The lesson currently assigned to this LearnPad.
Check Now
Pressing this button forces LearnPad to check the server for any changes to the lesson ahead of the usual hourly check-in.
Clear Cache
LearnPad downloads data files and bitmaps for the installed lessons. This data is stored in the interal storage Flash memory. If the drive is getting full or if the cache has become corrupt some how, you can clear it from here and start again. All necessary files will be downloaded automatically.
Proxy Settings
These may be required for an authenticated proxy.
Device Information
Opens the device information page.
Send Log Files
This uploads diagnostic information about the last few minutes of LearnPad operation. This information is automatically sent if LearnPad crashes, but this option can be useful when reporting technical faults.